Accepting Credit Cards
Some Tips about accepting credit cards and how the crooks try to intimidate your clerks. Don’t Be Bullied Here, the customer attempts to intimidate the cashier by causing a fuss at the register so that the purchase is rushed, which may lead to improper check out. They may tell you that the card won’t read and not to bother running it through – that you’ll have to key it in manually. In such instances, customers have also been known to complain about the service or length of the line. They may even demand to see a manager – anything to keep the cashier’s attention off the authorization of the credit card. By creating a tense atmosphere, the cashier is often prone to rush the person through the process just to get the customer out of the store. This is when criminal activity takes place. The result is usually a costly chargeback for the merchant. Use only the authorization numbers provided by your Payment Processor. Never call a telephone number given by the cardholder for author...