Showing posts from 2011
Accepting Credit Cards
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Some Tips about accepting credit cards and how the crooks try to intimidate your clerks. Don’t Be Bullied Here, the customer attempts to intimidate the cashier by causing a fuss at the register so that the purchase is rushed, which may lead to improper check out. They may tell you that the card won’t read and not to bother running it through – that you’ll have to key it in manually. In such instances, customers have also been known to complain about the service or length of the line. They may even demand to see a manager – anything to keep the cashier’s attention off the authorization of the credit card. By creating a tense atmosphere, the cashier is often prone to rush the person through the process just to get the customer out of the store. This is when criminal activity takes place. The result is usually a costly chargeback for the merchant. Use only the authorization numbers provided by your Payment Processor. Never call a telephone number given by the cardholder for author...
v2012 Matrix Feature
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v2012 of MacPOS brings back the Matrix view that had been missing in our OS X version of MacPOS. It was a important feature of MacPOS back in the OS 9 days. An example of a T-shirt in different sizes and colors. Clicking on an item in the list will display the details in the item window. Track the stock levels, item sales and purchase history, minimum and maximum stock levels for each size/color variation. An another example showing an iMac in different RAM and Hard drive configurations.
Are you at Risk?
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Is your customer's credit card information at risk when using your POS system? Watch this short informative video about the steps you can take to protect your business and your customer's credit card information. Are you at Risk ? Can you afford to not take steps for compliancy? MacPOS and Mercury Payments provides a PCI-DSS compliant solution with high security encryption to protect your customer's private information.
v2012 is in Beta Testing
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v2012 is the next major update of MacPOS which is now being beta tested by several customers. They are providing feedback on the new version and noting any issues that may arise during the updating process. This version will be required if you need to run Mac OS X Lion 10.7 You will LOVE the speed increases ranging from 5-30 times faster than the previous versions of MacPOSX and the improved User Interface changes and additions makes MacPOS even easier to use. Approximately 30% of the code has been updated and or replaced with more modern programming techniques enabling it to run on Mac OS X 10.5 - 10.7 We will not be providing a PPC compatible version of v2012. Those requiring PPC compatibility can still purchase MacPOSX v2011 for older Macs and OS X 10.3 and 10.4 support. This upgrade is Free for those who purchased MacPOSX Pro or Standard v2011 after the release of OS X 10.7 Lion in August 2011. Pricing for the upgrade is determined by the version of MacPOS...
First Swipe
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MacPOS v2012 beta with integrated Mercury Payment Systems credit card processing was placed into a production today and we had our first swipe of the millions to come in a secure encrypted workflow environment. An existing MacPOS customer performed a successful upgrade from MacPOS v2011 to the beta v2012. Along with faster transaction times and the most competitive rates in the industry they also will be taking advantage of the free Gift Card program offered to Mercury Payment Systems merchants. The Mercury Payments credit card authorization software is integrated directly into MacPOS software. There is no longer a need for a separate payment processing application. Approval times of under one second have been observed consistently during development. We are confident that our customers will love the huge speed bump in MacPOS and the extra security that Mercury Payment Systems brings to CC approval handling. MacPOS ...
PCI-DSS compliance
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MacPOS is now integrated with Mercury Payment Systems E2E PCI-DSS compliant credit card payment processing system. Mercury Payment Systems E2E: End-to-End Encryption secures card data the instant a card is swiped E2E secures card data by encrypting it at the instant a card is swiped or manually keyed, and keeps it encrypted throughout the transaction. End-to-end encryption reduces the number of systems handling sensitive card data. When encrypting card readers are combined with support from a payment gateway or payment processor, sensitive cardholder data – and the PCI requirements to protect it – are eliminated from the point-of-sale (POS) system. Today’s POS Systems Today’s POS systems handle sensitive card data in plain text when it is initially entered. Modern malicious software is designed to steal credit card data by intercepting it as it is passed from peripherals, such as magnetic card readers and keyboards. Malware will even steal card data out of the computer RAM be...
Mercury Payments Certification
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Crossman Software has received certification for credit and debit card transactions from Mercury Payments Systems. We hope to complete certification for PrePaid [Gift] cards within the next week. MacPOS v2012 will support E2E [end-to-end] encryption of credit card information providing you with a complete PCI-DSS point-of-sale credit card processing solution.
OS X Lion 10.7
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MacPOSx v2011 is not compatible with OS X 10.7 Lion Do not Install Lion on your Mac if you are using MacPOSx v2011 or earlier. MacPOSx runs on OS X 10.3 - 10.6 Intel and PPC Macs MacPOS v2012 runs on OS X 10.5 - 10.7 Lion on Intel Macs only. A new version of MacPOS, with a whole new look and features is due for general release very soon. Currently it is in beta testing. We are also testing the various hardware drivers in OS X 10.7 and we will report on those after all of the testing is complete. Please wait until everything has been tested to ensure 100% compatibility. OS X Lion most certainly will need an update before it too is a stable OS and all the bugs are worked out.
E-commerce and MacPOS
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MacPOS Professional now integrates with X-Cart shopping cart software. Update online stock quantities from within MacPOS. Import online orders into MacPOS to process orders or record item sales. MacPOS Pro and XCart work together to track your inventory. Make price changes, description updates and stock quantity updates to your online shopping cart inventory database. We will assist you in setting up your online store and getting it working with MacPOS or you can roll your own solution. Give us a call or send an email and we can get started in providing you with the solution to integrate your retail POS and online sales.
New features in v2011
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Below is a list of some of the new features in MacPOS Update to v2011 in our online store and get free updates of MacPOS software throughout 2011 MacPOS Standard $59 Update MacPOS Professional $79 Update Improved customer loyalty functions Points/Reward functionality Improved customer credits payment handling Integration to XCart online e-commerce store Time clock software to track employee time New sales transaction reports Faster sales transaction reporting by a specific date range Instant sales reporting for a past date Much faster Post and print operation Automatic session control by day Faster network database access Daily sales view by hour Separate database list windows for contacts and items New customer lookup and start a sale Improved Physical inventory count and update stock Improved importing Copy line items on an order Paste items on an order Multiple item selection for deletion on orders Custom label sizes Faster screen updating of database window Improved handling of cl...